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SUNDAY STORIES by Lisa Haukom 4.23.23 Weekly lifestyle Roundup

Up-leveling is hard. Instagram makes it look like it's all champagne and high heels but that's just the highlight reel. When you're in the middle of an up-level, it feels like being torn open, only to heal anew - stronger, different. The parts of you that once knew which way is up, have now lost all sense of direction and you spend your days in surrender and deep, deep trust in yourself. It is not boss-babe-in-a-blazer-and-modesty-tape. It's raw. Nope, up-leveling is decidedly not sexy.

And that my friend, is where I have spent the better part of the last month. Shedding old beliefs, checking my ego at the door, and finally releasing the damper on all things Goldenbrand. Over the next few months, I'll share big moves, resources, new friends, and new ways to work with us.

What do you say? Are you in?




As we move into this new adventure it is important to me that we continue to curate content and services that resonate with you. The move to build our YouTube channel took careful consideration and thought. In the end, access to a longer video format means we can provide even more education and behind-the-scenes looks into our services and self-portrait sessions, giving you greater access to everything we have to offer. We are so grateful you are here and hope you enjoy this new adventure of ours. xoxo Lisa

Robin Davisson Female Abstract Artist Photography



Lisa Haukom Goldenbrand photography


People share their stories in different ways. Some do it on the big stage, others do it through podcasts, and others do it through books. Then there are those who do it through the lens of a camera and also help others share their stories through photography. That's where I come in. Listen in on my podcast conversation with April Adams Pertuis,

Lisa Haukom Self Portrait Photography Studio


Weekly visual inspiration and mood boards.

As we meet more creatives, we are honored to be invited into the spaces where they live, work and create their art. This week's mood board is dedicated to them.

Self Portrait Photography Moodboard Pinterest
photo source: Pinterest

Photographers Choice.

Extra flair for your week. Click below to visit. xoxo L.

Our first guests are booked and will be revealed this summer.

All the new shows to see this month.

How to spend a weekend in Provence. I need brand photos, like yesterday but there is never time to schedule photoshoot after photoshoot. Do you have any tips for me?

The future of social media is a lot less social.

When clients ask for “Just one good photo”, this is our response.

OK this citron feather dress is dreamy and giving me all the ideas for a creative photoshoot.

It's official, our presets are your favorite content time-saver!


Have a question? Sunday Stories subscribers may submit them here.

Q. I've been trying to find time to join the Self Portrait Studio but am at work during the weekly 9am Thursday calls. Is there another way for me to learn self portraits?

A. Do you ever go through phases where a topic or question keeps coming up again and again? This very question and need has been a frequent visitor to my DM's lately. I hear you. It sounds like you'd like to learn enough photography basics, in a short amount of time to take, edit and share your own brand photography - do I have that right?

I have two opportunities coming soon for you. One is in collaboration with another creator and the other will be a stand-alone Goldenbrand Photography mini-course with tons of video modules to help you be your own brand photographer. Details are coming soon but something tells me you'll love it!


Lisa Haukom, Photographer, Lifestyle Curator & Founder of Goldenbrand Studio


All images Copyright © 2022 Lisa Haukom Goldenbrand Photography.
Based in Florence, Oregon. 

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