I was on my own this week while the family did some traveling and I realized a few things. As a parent, having the whole house to myself and staying home is better than any vacation destination I can think of. I love being able to flow and move through my day, have meals at weird times, and lose myself in work without feeling guilty. That being said, I miss my crew and it's time for them to come back home so we can finish watching Daisy Jones and the Six together… How about you? How was your week and what is on your radar right now?
Always grateful for the outreach and conversations that come with sharing my story. I'd love to hear yours. Hit reply and share!
Storytellers and image weavers
Last week I asked the question on my Instagram stories, “What holds you back from creating self-portraits?”. The answers filled me with so much emotion and empathy. The responses ranged from practical to unsure, but the overwhelming majority of responses were filled with worry about body image and fear of judgement. Today I'm sharing each of the answers, along with my thoughts on the things that hold you back from taking self-portraits.
Our preset collections take at least a year of building and testing before we release them to the public. We strive to create high quality products without the need for constant updates.This preset collection was designed to not only emulate my own editing style, but to encourage and help you find and develop your own along the way, while being intentional — not just letting the preset do the work for you. This one collection of presets can turn into countless different looks & feels — I’ve taken my most common tweaks for Golden and turned them into 12 individual presets so you can save time tweaking with a single click. Blend, mix and combine them to tweak to your own style! Versatile for any lighting situation.
Use code Spring Sale for 15% off through the end of the month.
Weekly visual inspiration and mood boards.
Moody Spring Folklore feels in this week's moodboard. I'm feeling inspired by dark and moody image inspiration for our Self Portrait Studio prompt this week and that delicious feeling of emergence and renewal we experience during the early days of spring. What's on your mood board this week?
Photographers Choice.
Extra flair for your week. Click below to visit. xoxo L. Gin and Tonica's with Colu.
I enjoyed and related to this essay about ambition.
Just discovered Atlantic Pacific and am in l o v e.
What to read after finishing Daisy Jones and the Six.
Your favorite post this week, celebrating the women of SPS!
Have a question? Sunday Stories subscribers may submit them here.
Q. Do you always hold your virtual sessions in people's homes?
A. There are situations when your home is not the ideal spot for a virtual session. It could be that your space doesn't have ample natural light or maybe you have a partner who works from home and having a photo shoot in the middle of the house is too disruptive. That was the case with my client Beth. She decided to rent a studio space for her session. My client Robin is an artist and we held her shoot in her studio and gallery space. I have also worked with clients who rented Airbnb's or borrowed a friends home for the session. If you're not sure what is right for you reach out to me and I'll help you select the best location for your photos.